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Membership and general enquiries are welcome (via the "member login" or "contact us" links).
Networking Events Nationwide
Please see our Events Calendar for dates!
CSIH Symposium - Key Speaker - Hector Rodriguez, Microsoft 13-Jul-2017
(https://www.eventbrite.co.nz/e/cybersecurity-in-health-2017-tickets-34552572675) Hect..
Health - beehive.govt.nz 12-Jul-2017
More than 1.2m influenza vaccines distributed (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/beehive-govt-nz/po..
Health - Beehive - 2017 06-Jul-2017
Healthy Drug Law Parliamentary Symposium, Parliament Buildings (http://..
A major cyber-attack a matter of when 05-Jul-2017
July 5, 2017 A leading New Zealand digital health specialist says it is not a matter of if..
NHS Innovation Accelerator (NIA) - digital solutions wanted - application deadline 27 July 201705-Jul-2017
Clients with solutions that might fit this call and who are interested in accessing..
Urgent Cyber Attack Alert - New ransomware campaign known as Petya 29-Jun-2017
First published at 9.30am A new ransomware campaign known as Petya is affecting compute..
Portfolio Health - beehive.govt.nz 28-Jun-2017
New dementia guidelines for GPs and nurses (http://feedproxy.google.co..
Innovation Teams & Labs - A Practice Guide 23-Jun-2017
Innovation Teams & Labs - A Practice Guide (330 KB)
Release of New Zealand Health Research Strategy 23-Jun-2017
Click here to access the New Zealand Health Research Strategy 2017-2027 (http://www.health.gov..
Health - beehive.govt.nz 06-Jun-2017
Successful FAST stroke campaign returns (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/beehive-go..
NZ health sector needs to plan and prepare for tech disruption 01-Jun-2017
For the public health service to meet increasing demands into the future, it needs to ..
Telehealth: Enhancing the Primary Care Landscape in New Zealand 26-May-2017
Telehealth has gradually emerged over the past 10 years to improve the timely acces..
Toniq Ltd - Job Vacancy 26-May-2017
Job Vacancy Please see below further information on the role. {module_literature,i,..
2017 Tech Manifesto 25-May-2017
The leading associations and professional bodies in New Zealand’s technology sector have c..
Budget 2017 Overview for NZHIT Members 25-May-2017
Dear Members, Today I was involved in the Budget 2017 lock-up prior to the Minister of Finan..
Health - beehive.govt.nz 25-May-2017
$205.4m for disability support services (#1) Further support for bowel screening roll-out ..
NZ-Digital-Health-Research-Review-Issue-1 25-May-2017
Please find attached below new research update called Digital Health Research Review. Th..
Healthcare getting closer to home 22-May-2017
The accelerating changing face of Kiwi healthcare will in the coming years see health servi..
Sysmex New Zealand Announce New Management Roles 22-May-2017
For Immediate Release Sysmex New Zealand Sysmex New Zealand Announce N..
Are you joining the 170 people attending next week’s event in Wellington? 19-May-2017
Thanks to our sponsor NZHIT would like to say a big thank you to Orion Health! The..
HealthOne wins Best Technology Solution for the Public Sector at the NZ Hi-Tech Awards17-May-2017
NZHIT congratulates the HealthOne team for their well-deserved achievement in being chos..
Health facilities will not have any patients in them 11-May-2017
Auckland – Future health facilities in New Zealand are unlikely to have patients in them, ..
Portfolio Health 11-May-2017
(#1) Kapa haka and Te Reo may help prevent dementia (http://feedproxy.google.co..
2017 AmCham DHL Express Success & Innovation Awards 09-May-2017
We are pleased to let you know about the 2017 AmCham Awards, which NZHIT supports. To find out m..
Last years NZHIT Innovation Award winner going from strength to strength 09-May-2017
NZHIT congratulates MKM Health and Counties Manukau DHB on decision to implement Patientrack..
Special Announcement – NZHIT Innovation Award 2017 05-May-2017
Following the successful launch of the NZHIT Innovation Award in 2016 we are very pleased to onc..
Portfolio: Health - beehive.govt.nz 01-May-2017
Health passes its annual check up (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/beehive-govt-nz/port..
Pioneers in e-health for children up for two awards 05-Apr-2017
It’s hardly big news that a ground-breaking, game-changing virtual digital he..
Health - beehive.govt.nz 02-Apr-2017
New modelling is helping to improve workforce planning (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/beehive-g..
VIVATECH 2017 - NZ Startups Call Out - YOUR TICKET TO THE FRENCH TECH! 27-Mar-2017
VIVATECH 2017 FAIR Final (842 KB)
HIMSS Australia Summit Confirms New Partners & Speakers 21-Mar-2017
(http://pages.himss.org/ivkZ0VLeFwG00R0024D3W0S) HIMSS Part..
Emerging Tech in Health Event, 24 May 2017, Wellington - Register Now! 20-Mar-2017
Prime Minister's Business Scholarships Available! 20-Mar-2017
Ready for the next step? Entries now open for the 2017 Prime Minist..
Health - beehive.govt.nz 15-Mar-2017
Community midwives get 2.5 per cent increase (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/beehive-g..
Beehive Govt NZ - Immunisation and rheumatic fever prevention remain priorities14-Mar-2017
Immunisation and rheumatic fever prevention remain priorities (http://feedproxy.goo..
Microsoft Cloud Computing Guide Released 13-Mar-2017
Microsoft has released a guide to Cloud in healthcare. Microsoft navigating your w..
Scott Arrol’s welcome speech at the start of NZHIT’s member networking event hosted by Whanau Tahi, 13-Mar-2017
Scott Arrol’s welcome speech at the start of NZHIT’s member networking event hosted ..
Health - beehive.govt.nz 08-Mar-2017
Health - beehive.govt.nz (http://beehive.govt.nz/portfolio/health) (http://bee..
The Embassy of France is looking into taking kiwi ingenuity and creativity to the French Tech and Di08-Mar-2017
The Embassy of France is looking into taking kiwi ingenuity and creativity to the French Tech an..
HIMSS ASIA PACIFIC - Internet of Healthy Things: What's New? 07-Mar-2017
(http://pages.himss.org/ZLVSF0c4R0200D04h30GWZa) March: Intern..
Fielday 2017 - Health Village 03-Mar-2017
Fieldays is the largest agricultural event in the southern hemisphere with 140,000 people attendin..
Health - beehive.govt.nz 03-Mar-2017
Health - beehive.govt.nz (http://beehive.govt.nz/portfolio/health) (http://bee..
Health - beehive.govt.nz 03-Mar-2017
MidCental physiotherapist wins emerging leader award (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/b..
HiMMS Asia Pacific - February Digest: Managing the Hazards of Health IT 03-Mar-2017
If you cannot view this properly, kindly click here (http://pages.himss.org/qbWZ0R04Gj0VS623L0FB..
Introducing Aura, Comrad's next generation RIS portfolio 03-Mar-2017
(http://www.comrad.com.au/aura) Taking ..
Launching NZHIT’s 15th Anniversary Celebrations for 2017 24-Feb-2017
15 years ago, in February of 2002 the NZ Health IT Cluster (now NZHIT) was established. To mark thi..
Health - beehive.govt.nz 22-Feb-2017
Health - beehive.govt.nz (http://beehive.govt.nz/portfolio/health) (http://bee..
Hon Dr Jonathan Coleman speech to the NZ Health Symposium 2017 21-Feb-2017
Hon Dr Jonathan Coleman speech to the NZ Health Symposium 2017 (https://www.beeh..
148,000 more Kiwis receive First Specialist Assessments 09-Feb-2017
Jonathan Coleman 9 FEBRUARY, 2017 148,000 more Kiwis receive First Specialist Assessments..
15th anniversary of the New Zealand Health IT (NZHIT) 09-Feb-2017
A special event at Parliament next week will mark the 15th anniversary of the New Zealand Health..
Introducing Comrad’s new brand identity 09-Feb-2017
A fresh new look, the same passion Introducing Comrad’s new brand identity. Twenty-ni..
HIMSS AsiaPac17 - Accepting Paper Submissions until 1 March 2017! 18-Jan-2017
(http://pages.himss.org/b0002RLGyZT0Wf1f030TBRV) ..
NZ Vision for Interoperability (VIP) Finalised 22-Dec-2016
NZHIT_Interoperability_Vision_Doc_v1.0 Dec 2016 (897 KB)
New Zealand Health Strategy – Working better together 11-Jul-2016
Having trouble seeing the message? View it in a web browser (http://ministryofhealthnewzeal..
New Zealand Health Technology Review: 2016, New Zealand companies innovating to improve people’s hea24-Jun-2016
New Zealand Health Technology Review: 2016, New Zealand companies innovating to improve people’s hea (4429 KB)
CSIH Symposium - Key Speaker - Hector Rodriguez, Microsoft 13-Jul-2017
(https://www.eventbrite.co.nz/e/cybersecurity-in-health-2017-tickets-34552572675) Hect..
Health - beehive.govt.nz 12-Jul-2017
More than 1.2m influenza vaccines distributed (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/beehive-govt-nz/po..
Health - Beehive - 2017 06-Jul-2017
Healthy Drug Law Parliamentary Symposium, Parliament Buildings (http://..
A major cyber-attack a matter of when 05-Jul-2017
July 5, 2017 A leading New Zealand digital health specialist says it is not a matter of if..
NHS Innovation Accelerator (NIA) - digital solutions wanted - application deadline 27 July 201705-Jul-2017
Clients with solutions that might fit this call and who are interested in accessing..
Urgent Cyber Attack Alert - New ransomware campaign known as Petya 29-Jun-2017
First published at 9.30am A new ransomware campaign known as Petya is affecting compute..
Portfolio Health - beehive.govt.nz 28-Jun-2017
New dementia guidelines for GPs and nurses (http://feedproxy.google.co..
Innovation Teams & Labs - A Practice Guide 23-Jun-2017
Innovation Teams & Labs - A Practice Guide (330 KB)
Release of New Zealand Health Research Strategy 23-Jun-2017
Click here to access the New Zealand Health Research Strategy 2017-2027 (http://www.health.gov..
Health - beehive.govt.nz 06-Jun-2017
Successful FAST stroke campaign returns (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/beehive-go..
NZ health sector needs to plan and prepare for tech disruption 01-Jun-2017
For the public health service to meet increasing demands into the future, it needs to ..
Telehealth: Enhancing the Primary Care Landscape in New Zealand 26-May-2017
Telehealth has gradually emerged over the past 10 years to improve the timely acces..
Toniq Ltd - Job Vacancy 26-May-2017
Job Vacancy Please see below further information on the role. {module_literature,i,..
2017 Tech Manifesto 25-May-2017
The leading associations and professional bodies in New Zealand’s technology sector have c..
Budget 2017 Overview for NZHIT Members 25-May-2017
Dear Members, Today I was involved in the Budget 2017 lock-up prior to the Minister of Finan..
Health - beehive.govt.nz 25-May-2017
$205.4m for disability support services (#1) Further support for bowel screening roll-out ..
NZ-Digital-Health-Research-Review-Issue-1 25-May-2017
Please find attached below new research update called Digital Health Research Review. Th..
Healthcare getting closer to home 22-May-2017
The accelerating changing face of Kiwi healthcare will in the coming years see health servi..
Sysmex New Zealand Announce New Management Roles 22-May-2017
For Immediate Release Sysmex New Zealand Sysmex New Zealand Announce N..
Are you joining the 170 people attending next week’s event in Wellington? 19-May-2017
Thanks to our sponsor NZHIT would like to say a big thank you to Orion Health! The..
HealthOne wins Best Technology Solution for the Public Sector at the NZ Hi-Tech Awards17-May-2017
NZHIT congratulates the HealthOne team for their well-deserved achievement in being chos..
Health facilities will not have any patients in them 11-May-2017
Auckland – Future health facilities in New Zealand are unlikely to have patients in them, ..
Portfolio Health 11-May-2017
(#1) Kapa haka and Te Reo may help prevent dementia (http://feedproxy.google.co..
2017 AmCham DHL Express Success & Innovation Awards 09-May-2017
We are pleased to let you know about the 2017 AmCham Awards, which NZHIT supports. To find out m..
Last years NZHIT Innovation Award winner going from strength to strength 09-May-2017
NZHIT congratulates MKM Health and Counties Manukau DHB on decision to implement Patientrack..
Special Announcement – NZHIT Innovation Award 2017 05-May-2017
Following the successful launch of the NZHIT Innovation Award in 2016 we are very pleased to onc..
Portfolio: Health - beehive.govt.nz 01-May-2017
Health passes its annual check up (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/beehive-govt-nz/port..
Pioneers in e-health for children up for two awards 05-Apr-2017
It’s hardly big news that a ground-breaking, game-changing virtual digital he..
Health - beehive.govt.nz 02-Apr-2017
New modelling is helping to improve workforce planning (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/beehive-g..
VIVATECH 2017 - NZ Startups Call Out - YOUR TICKET TO THE FRENCH TECH! 27-Mar-2017
VIVATECH 2017 FAIR Final (842 KB)
HIMSS Australia Summit Confirms New Partners & Speakers 21-Mar-2017
(http://pages.himss.org/ivkZ0VLeFwG00R0024D3W0S) HIMSS Part..
Emerging Tech in Health Event, 24 May 2017, Wellington - Register Now! 20-Mar-2017
Prime Minister's Business Scholarships Available! 20-Mar-2017
Ready for the next step? Entries now open for the 2017 Prime Minist..
Health - beehive.govt.nz 15-Mar-2017
Community midwives get 2.5 per cent increase (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/beehive-g..
Beehive Govt NZ - Immunisation and rheumatic fever prevention remain priorities14-Mar-2017
Immunisation and rheumatic fever prevention remain priorities (http://feedproxy.goo..
Microsoft Cloud Computing Guide Released 13-Mar-2017
Microsoft has released a guide to Cloud in healthcare. Microsoft navigating your w..
Scott Arrol’s welcome speech at the start of NZHIT’s member networking event hosted by Whanau Tahi, 13-Mar-2017
Scott Arrol’s welcome speech at the start of NZHIT’s member networking event hosted ..
Health - beehive.govt.nz 08-Mar-2017
Health - beehive.govt.nz (http://beehive.govt.nz/portfolio/health) (http://bee..
The Embassy of France is looking into taking kiwi ingenuity and creativity to the French Tech and Di08-Mar-2017
The Embassy of France is looking into taking kiwi ingenuity and creativity to the French Tech an..
HIMSS ASIA PACIFIC - Internet of Healthy Things: What's New? 07-Mar-2017
(http://pages.himss.org/ZLVSF0c4R0200D04h30GWZa) March: Intern..
Fielday 2017 - Health Village 03-Mar-2017
Fieldays is the largest agricultural event in the southern hemisphere with 140,000 people attendin..
Health - beehive.govt.nz 03-Mar-2017
Health - beehive.govt.nz (http://beehive.govt.nz/portfolio/health) (http://bee..
Health - beehive.govt.nz 03-Mar-2017
MidCental physiotherapist wins emerging leader award (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/b..
HiMMS Asia Pacific - February Digest: Managing the Hazards of Health IT 03-Mar-2017
If you cannot view this properly, kindly click here (http://pages.himss.org/qbWZ0R04Gj0VS623L0FB..
Introducing Aura, Comrad's next generation RIS portfolio 03-Mar-2017
(http://www.comrad.com.au/aura) Taking ..
Launching NZHIT’s 15th Anniversary Celebrations for 2017 24-Feb-2017
15 years ago, in February of 2002 the NZ Health IT Cluster (now NZHIT) was established. To mark thi..
Health - beehive.govt.nz 22-Feb-2017
Health - beehive.govt.nz (http://beehive.govt.nz/portfolio/health) (http://bee..
Hon Dr Jonathan Coleman speech to the NZ Health Symposium 2017 21-Feb-2017
Hon Dr Jonathan Coleman speech to the NZ Health Symposium 2017 (https://www.beeh..
148,000 more Kiwis receive First Specialist Assessments 09-Feb-2017
Jonathan Coleman 9 FEBRUARY, 2017 148,000 more Kiwis receive First Specialist Assessments..
15th anniversary of the New Zealand Health IT (NZHIT) 09-Feb-2017
A special event at Parliament next week will mark the 15th anniversary of the New Zealand Health..
Introducing Comrad’s new brand identity 09-Feb-2017
A fresh new look, the same passion Introducing Comrad’s new brand identity. Twenty-ni..
HIMSS AsiaPac17 - Accepting Paper Submissions until 1 March 2017! 18-Jan-2017
(http://pages.himss.org/b0002RLGyZT0Wf1f030TBRV) ..
NZ Vision for Interoperability (VIP) Finalised 22-Dec-2016
NZHIT_Interoperability_Vision_Doc_v1.0 Dec 2016 (897 KB)
New Zealand Health Strategy – Working better together 11-Jul-2016
Having trouble seeing the message? View it in a web browser (http://ministryofhealthnewzeal..
New Zealand Health Technology Review: 2016, New Zealand companies innovating to improve people’s hea24-Jun-2016
New Zealand Health Technology Review: 2016, New Zealand companies innovating to improve people’s hea (4429 KB)